
Currently based in Copenhagen. Focused on chamber music, new music and collaborations with other artists, experimenting with music and performance.

Review from her debut as a soloist from SDMK (Danish):

“(Nina) er en usædvanlig musikalsk begavelse og er med sin smukke stemme og sin fine udstråling i stand til at skabe gode stemninger og billeder”

Review of Duo Cæcilia (duo with oboist Maria Lundbak):

“Kombinationen af deres klassiske rodfæstede musikerhåndværk med stor kunstnerisk nysgerrighed samt deres agile format, gør Duo Cæcilia til en vital resurse for en tiltrængt seriøs udvikling af det klassisk baserede musikliv” (Claus Skjold Larsen)

Lara Eidi review (Backseat Mafia) of Rumpistol’s album Isola:

Each track feels like a story on to it’s own, often surprising me with vocals so ethereal they make Howard Shore’s musical scores look pale in comparison.(…) soprano Nina Smidth-Brewer,(…) quite literally breathing life into an otherwise heavily- laden instrumental orchestration”

Photo by Maria Ovesen

Upcoming concerts and performances

November 2023

Choreographed koncert, We just work here, we don’t make the rules

Blaaaard teater

Tickets (Blaagaard Teater)